Gamelab 2012 was celebrated from June 27 to July 1 in Barcelona, Spain. It is the most important games event in Spain and, since a few years ago, it is considered an international event.
Obviously, I was there 🙂 I was mainly interested on networking but the conferences were also quite interesting. On the other hand, the gamers zone was not very exciting. One year ago I attended to my first Gamelab and wrote a short post about the experience. My opinion from Gamelab 2011 was very negative. The organization was unacceptable, the location was not good enough and there were a lot of poor conferences. The only positive thing about Gamelab 2011 was the networking.
However, Gamelab 2012 was bigger and better. Much better, I must admit. I really enjoyed it 🙂 The location was bigger. There were a lot of interesting stands and the rooms for the conferences were big enough. The audio was good and there were no remarkable technical problems.
The conferences were better balanced. There were talks from gurus such as Hironobu Sakagushi (creator of Final Fantasy) and Kazunori Yamauchi (creator of Gran Turismo). There were also business oriented talks, workshops and even a talk from an indie developer! 😀 A very popular one, though: Phil Fish, creator of Fez. Fish’s talk was absolutely awesome! 😉
So, I’m pretty happy with the overall content quality of the congress. However, as usual, the best part was the networking. I met again some old colleges and met new interesting people as well. You know, indie people 🙂
I spent a very nice time eating, drinking and talking about game design and development with those awesome guys. We will meet again in 2013! See you! 😀
I hope to be in the next GameLab 2013 and made networking. 😉
See you there!! “:^]